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Shalom from Haiti
Happy New Year 2024 from Have Faith Haiti
01/02/2024 11:07:12 AM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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Everyone has a ritual for celebrating New Year’s Eve: dinner and a movie, getting together with friends for a toast, and watching the ball drop at Times’ Square. This is my second New Year’s Eve at Have Faith Haiti Orphanage, so I know what to...Read more...
Help Support Have Faith Haiti
01/01/2024 03:32:58 PM
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If you would like to join Rabbi Lindemann in support of Have Faith Haiti, consider donating to the Rabbi Lindemann Tzedakah Fund by visiting our donation page, and indicate"Have Faith Haiti" in the designation field. Alternatively, checks can be made out to Temple Beth Sholom and annotated "Have Faith Haiti Project".
Your generosity will make a truly meaningful contribution to the quality of life of the 60 children...Read more...
Shabbat Shalom In Haiti
10/20/2023 11:23:58 AM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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I am about to start Shabbat here at Have Faith Haiti, and, strangely, I am feeling a real sense of Shalom.
It has, of course, been another very difficult week for Israel and the Jewish people. Ever since the Hamas attack on Israel, my days have been full of Zoom briefings, rallies, meetings, e-mails with family and friends in Israel, and making donations. When at home, my TV was constantly on CNN or MSNBC or some network Evening...Read more...
Father's Day in Haiti
06/20/2023 08:55:33 AM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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It’s Father’s Day Sunday, and I am spending it at the Have Faith Haiti Orphanage. It also happens to be my father’s Yahrzeit. That coincidence of calendar and location is surely cause for reflection.
How fortunate I was to grow up with a father and a mother, to care for me, support me, guide me through school and into becoming an adult. My father worked nights in the Dixie Cup factory for 30 years to...Read more...
Calling All Hands
03/29/2023 04:19:22 PM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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On Shabbat, I tuned in to the TBS Livestream from Haiti. Eli Greenberg’s Bar Mitzvah D’var Torah really spoke to me, or maybe I should say it “called to me,” because Vayikra means “He (God) Called.” Have you ever felt called? Called to do something—a profession, a mission, a Mitzvah? HaveFaith Haiti Mission Orphanage calls to many who come here to volunteer.
Amy teaches, but can’t resist cuddling...
Creating a Sanctuary in Haiti
03/26/2023 03:41:38 PM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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I came down to the Have Faith Haiti Mission two days after we completed our reading of the Book of Exodus, so the whole last section of the book, which is about the Sanctuary (the Mishkan) our ancestors built in the wilderness, was still very much in my mind. Maybe that’s why the first thing I noticed was how much building has been going on here, since my last visit, in January.
At the Have Faith Haiti...
Shalom from Haiti
02/10/2023 12:38:56 PM
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Rabbi Lindemann shares his observations and experiences during his visits to Have Faith Haiti, an orphanage and mission in Port-au-Prince.
Read more...For The Miracles
02/10/2023 08:50:38 AM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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These are the opening words of the passage we add to the Amidah on Hanukkah. I found new meaning in them when I studied them with the students at Have Faith Haiti. There are a lot of miracles happening here.
Happy New Year!
01/11/2023 04:24:38 PM
Rabbi Steven Lindemann
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Here at Have Faith Haiti the New Year is greeted with sparklers—one for every student and when they are lit, each student makes a wish. For the younger children, the sparklers are stuck into the ground in front of them. The older kids hold their own.

Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
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