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About Last Night

06/06/2024 03:12:49 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Annual Meeting last night, both in person and via livestream. And thank you, Warren and Becky Levy, for sponsoring the event. For those of you who were unable to attend or view the livestream, below are my comments for the staff years of service awards. 

I never imagined that one day I would be the executive director of a synagogue. It is not like I told my parents that this is what I wanted to do when I grew up. But sometimes life takes you in unexpected directions. And when Eric Jacobs asked me almost exactly ten years ago if I could assist in the search for the next executive director, the conversation steered me in an unexpected direction. The role of an executive director can be challenging at times. I turned grayer in the span of eight years than Obama did, proof that running a synagogue is more difficult than running the country.  And it is probably time that I change my headshot on the website. 

But this role is also extremely rewarding, and I come here every day knowing that the work that I do has an impact on the lives of others. It is holy work. In Hebrew, it is called an Avodat Kodesh. You see it is not just our clergy who perform an Avodat Kodesh. Granted we would not be coming here if it were not for them. But they would not be able to do what they do if it were not for the staff and volunteers who make this place operate. Each of them performs an Avodat Kodesh in the roles that they play. For example, Susan Aaronson, if someone told you eleven years ago that you would be selling cemetery plots in the not-too-distant future, you probably would have told them that they were crazy, right? But now you do. And whether it is for a family who is planning well ahead into the future, or for a family who has an unexpected, immediate need, helping them in that process is an avodat kodesh – holy work. 

Steve Borenstein, who is up on the balcony running our livestream right now because none of the A/V techs were available, was instrumental in setting up that entire system. He might not realize it, but that is an Avodat Kodesh too. One of the very few positives that came about during COVID is that it forced us to broadcast our services and programs - and we still do, allowing those who would otherwise not be able to see their grandchild’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or a loved one’s wedding, or participate in our daily minyan, are now able to do so. And they are so grateful for that. 

The service award recipients who we acknowledged this evening should each know that they too are performing an Avodat Kodesh for our synagogue. As well as the staff and faculty who I am about to call up here as we acknowledge their years of service to TBS. And the gifts that we are presenting them with tonight are also helping to support Israel. 

So, when I call your name, please join me here at the Torah table: 

John Imhof – our HaMakom Director and Youth and Teen Engagement Coordinator, is celebrating five years at TBS. John is our Pied Piper -- students love to learn with him and follow his lead. John is fun, engaging, and dedicated to students and families. John teaches Vav, 6th grade, leads youth activities, runs Hamakom on Sundays helps run Kesher on Tuesdays, and taught classes for Hazak's Project Zug class. And I can tell you firsthand that his bi-lingual Spanish skills have come in very handy here too.

Susan Aaronson – Susan was my first internal hire a week after I started here in 2014 and is one of the best hires I ever made. What doesn’t she do? From handling our accounts receivable to managing the high holy day seating, administrator of our ShulCloud database, and clergy assistant to Rabbi Peltz, Susan wears many hats, and she wears them well. She makes sure that everything runs smoothly and all those back-office functions that she oversees ensure a positive front-end experience for our congregation. Mazal Tov on your upcoming 10th anniversary here at TBS and I hope we get to celebrate many more together. 

Roxanne Kaizen - Morah Roxanne is an all-star in the EBJ ECEC infant center and is celebrating ten years at TBS. She is dedicated, passionate, and dependable. She works closely with every family to ensure that our youngest learners have individualized programs that meet their schedules and needs. She loves her family and I enjoy our conversations about our dogs. 

Amanda Kaufman – Amanda, who started here at TBS as a 3-year-old in the ECEC, is celebrating ten years at TBS. We watched her grow and return to the ECEC as an assistant teacher, engaging children with her calm, engaging demeanor.  Amanda now works in the Education Center office as our full-time office manager extraordinaire. She can literally do anything and is a huge asset to our schools and programs, and we can always count on her to handle the office responsibilities efficiently and with a smile! Fun fact - Amanda used to babysit my boys many years ago, and I am shocked, but pleased, that she still wants to work around children after that experience. 

Lauren Mennes - Morah Lauren, who is celebrating ten years at TBS, is a standout teacher in our 3-year-old program. She engages the children through activities, projects, and songs! She is talented, organized, easygoing, and artistic. She effortlessly plans fun projects and lessons for her adorable 3-year-old students. 

Susan Sturtz – Susan, who is celebrating 10 years at TBS, first started in the ECEC as a teacher in the Toddler program and moved into the three-year-old program. Susan is a talented and engaging teacher and instinctively knows how to engage children to learn, make friends, and reach for the stars. Susan is extremely punctual, dependable, highly creative, and genuinely loves teaching at TBS. Susan was unable to be here tonight so accepting on her behalf is…..Alison.

Linda Winiarski - Linda who is celebrating ten years at TBS, is an incredible presence in the ECEC. She is very flexible and extremely friendly and outgoing. Linda, who works full-time in the 2s class, absolutely loves children, which is evident by her ever-present smile. Linda is truly the ECEC’s Mary Poppins! And tomorrow is her birthday! 

Sonia Lopez – Sonia, a supervisor in our maintenance department, is celebrating 15 years at TBS! Always reliable, always laughing, always with a smile on her face and happy to be here. That is Sonia Lopez. You can teach skills, but you cannot teach attitude or personality. And, a positive attitude, a friendly personality, and a customer service mentality are some of the most important qualities for an individual to possess – qualities that Sonia exhibits on a daily basis. 

Ruth Brodnick – Ruth, our director of first impressions, is celebrating 35 years at TBS! Fun fact - It is also the 35th anniversary of this building and Ruth started here the day this building opened in 1989! But it all started at the Haddon Heights location. Ruth walked into the old building after seeing a help wanted ad for someone to work in the office. Nobody was there when she walked in and when the phone rang, she answered the phone! Talk about Chutzpah! She worked in the school under Norma Siegel for a number of years until Eric Jacobs said she was exactly what they needed in the front office. Ruth has been answering the phones since.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, and I look forward to seeing you in shul. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always reach out to me at or (856) 751-6663 x218.

Ron Safier 
Executive Director

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784