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Building Updates

05/23/2024 10:06:13 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

If you have been in the building in recent weeks you probably noticed the construction for the Memorial Alcove expansion, which has become necessary to create more wall space to accommodate future Yahrzeit plaques. Thank you Jeff Aaronson for the avodat kodesh, holy work, that you do to maintain the memorial alcove and the Yahrzeit plaques. This memorial alcove expansion will also include changes to the coat closet to allow maximum capacity for coats.

You may have also noticed our beautiful, new lobby furniture, which includes a new couch, chairs, area rug, blinds, and lobby benches. In addition, the front lobby and bathroom floors were cleaned and sealed. All thanks to a very generous donation from Bonnie Friedman

One final housekeeping note - membership renewal for the coming year was rolled out last week. If you have not already, please submit your membership renewal ASAP. If you need the link for the online membership renewal form, or prefer a hard copy of the renewal paperwork, please contact the office. 

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, and I look forward to seeing you in shul. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always reach out to me at or (856) 751-6663 x218.

Ron Safier 
Executive Director

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784