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Tuesday Night Talmud

Past Sessions
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 20 Iyyar 5784 - 8:15 PM
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 6 Iyyar 5784 - 8:15 PM

Masekhet Sanhedrin: Capital Punishment and Compassion

Led by Rabbi Lindemann and Rabbi Katz
The Talmud seeks to limit capital punishment, but even when the Sanhedrin issues a death sentence, there are rules for reconsideration up to the last minute and efforts to make execution as humane as possible.  Many corollary questions are also considered:  K’vod HaMeyt (The honor of the deceased) and comforting mourners; potential conflicting concerns of the community and the court; permissibility of preemptive strikes that may take a life; and whether one may sacrifice his or her own life for others.  Jurisprudence and Jewish prudence come together to create a study in capital punishment and compassion.

Registration Fee $70, includes texts and materials – Contact Michelle Shmuts to register.

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Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785