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Tikkun L'eyl Shavuot - Late Night Learning!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 5 Sivan 5784

9:00 PM

Why do we Choose to be Jewish?  How Jewish should we Choose to be?

Text Study and Panel Discussion with Rabbi Peltz,  Joanna Burgess, Rabbi Alicia Rothamel, and Jesse Sklar 
On Shavuot we read the book of Ruth, which tells the story of a woman who chooses to be Jewish.  Today, in a world that feels increasing hostile to Jews, what does it mean to make that choice today?  Why do we choose to be Jewish?  And how Jewish should we choose to be? After looking at interpretations of Ruth's choice to be Jewish in the text, we will hear the stories of three people who are choosing Judaism in different ways today.  Joanna Burgess has been studying for conversion to Judaism this year, and will soon finalize the process by going to the mikveh.  Rabbi Alicia Rothamel is about to enter her final year of rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary.  Jesse Sklar is graduating from Cherry Hill East High School this year and has been one of the Jewish student leaders who has stood up for Israel and against antisemitism.  Each will share their experiences, emotions and motivations for making the choice, in different ways, to stand with the Jewish people during this challenging year.  This will lead into a community conversation about why we choose to be Jewish, and how Jewish we choose to be today.

In-person and Livestream

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784