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Community Beit Midrash

Past Sessions
Monday, March 18, 2024 8 Adar II 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, March 11, 2024 1 Adar II 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, March 4, 2024 24 Adar I 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, February 26, 2024 17 Adar I 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, February 12, 2024 3 Adar I 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, February 5, 2024 26 Shevat 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, January 29, 2024 19 Shevat 5784 - 7:30 PM
Monday, January 22, 2024 12 Shevat 5784 - 7:30 PM

Community Beit Midrash

Jewish Theology in our Time: A New Generation Explores the Foundations and Future of Jewish Belief
Join Rabbi Peltz, Rabbi Wexler, Rabbi Lindemann and rabbis from our community for our Community Beit Midrash this year as we read Rabbi Elliot I. Cosgrove’s new book Jewish Theology in our Time.  A powerful and challenging examination of what Jews believe today by a new generation’s dynamic and innovative thinkers.

Monday nights, from 7:30-9pm via Zoom

We will be joined by special guest, Rabbi Ellliot Cosgrove for our opening sesson on January 22
To register and receive Zoom information, please email: Susan Aaronson at
Click here to download informational flyer

January 22
Jewish Theology in Our Time
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
& Rabbi Bryan Wexler 
February 12
Ways of Talking about God 
Pages 81-122
Rabbi Steven Lindemann 
March 4
The God in Between
Pages 159-187
Rabbi David Englander 
January 29
The God in Process
Pages 3-42
Rabbi Joel Seltzer
February 19 
No class for President’s Day
March 11
Reflections and Other Theologies
Rabbi Micah Peltz
February 5
The Gods of the Text
Pages 43-80
Rabbi Nathan Weiner
February 26
A Quest for God
Pages 123-158
Morah Eliana Seltzer 
March 18
Sharing our Personal Theology
Rabbi Bryan Wexler


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Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784