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Passover 2024
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and meaningful Passover! Please join us as we celebrate the holiday together at Temple Beth Sholom or virtually.
Passover Service Schedule
Note that all Zoom services are Meeting ID: 964 4732 9682, Phone: 929-205-6099, Passcode: 5784
Thursday, April 25
7am Minyan - Zoom - In-person/Beit Midrash
8pm Minyan - Zoom
Friday, April 26
7am Minyan - Zoom - In-person/Beit Midrash
6:15pm - Kabbalat Shabbat services and Ma'ariv - In-person/Beit Midrash – Livestream
Saturday, April 27
9:30am – Congregational Shabbat services - In-person/Sanctuary - Livestream
7:40pm – Minha/Ma'ariv - In-person/Beit Midrash – Livestream
Sunday, April 28
8am Minyan – Zoom - In-person/Beit Midrash
6:15pm Passover Festival Services - Minha/Ma'ariv - In-person/Beit Midrash – Livestream
Monday, April 29
9:30am - 7th Day of Passover Festival Services - In-person/Sanctuary - Livestream
8pm - Minha/Ma'ariv- In-person/Beit Midrash – Livestream
Tuesday, April 30
9:30am - 8th Day of Passover Festival Services with Yizkor - In-person/Sanctuary - Livestream
8pm - Minha/Ma'ariv – In-person/Beit Midrash – Livestream
In observance of Passover, the TBS office will close at 1pm on Monday, April 22. The office will also be closed on Tuesday April 23: Wednesday, April 24; Monday April 29: and Tuesday April 30.
Haggadat Sholom - The Temple Beth Sholom Haggadah
Lovingly Dedicated by the Baskies Family
All new translations and transliteration with dynamic commentary by Rabbi Peltz, Rabbi Lindemann, Rabbi Wexler, and Alex Weinberg. Engage participants of all ages with great questions, immersive experiences, and meaningful discussions.
Haggadat Sholom, the TBS Haggadah
Haggadat Sholom Kids Edition!
Haggadat Sholom Kid's Edition Leader's Guide
To view this year's Seder Supplement, Halailah Hazeh, click here.
Lunch and Learn Recordings
From Tuesday, April 2, with the authors of “A Different Night” and “A Night to Remember” Haggadot as they share their ground-breaking “Israeli Haggadah, Halailah Hazeh.” Explore how the Passover experience has changed since the Black Shabbat of October 7 and how they have updated the Israeli Haggadah to reflect the new challenges facing Israel.
From Tuesday, April 16 with Rabbi Micah Peltz
Wine & Spirits
TBS Education Department Passover Wine & Spirits Fundraiser
Ordering is now closed.
Order Pick-Up will be:
Sunday, April 14: 9:30am - 1pm
Week of April 15: 9:30am - 5pm
The Deluxe Catering a la carte menu is available now. Click here to access menu and order form or
email amanda@deluxecatering.com
Barclay Caterers Passover Menu can be accessed by clicking here. Email: orders@barclaycatering.com
Order deadline: Monday, April 15
Pick-up orders at TBS: Monday morning, April 22
Passport to Israel
Looking for the perfect Passover Afikoman gift for your grandchild or special loved one? Take an imaginary trip to Israel with the TBS “Passport to Israel, B’Yahad, Together” book. Answer questions, draw pictures, explore Israel and special moments with your loved one, “b’yahad,” together! The Passport to Israel, B’Yahad book includes heart “passport” stickers to use as part of the project.
A very limited number of books are available in the Education Center office for $20. Contact Amanda Kaufman at amandak@tbsonline.org
Selling the Hametz
In preparation for Passover each year we spend countless hours cleaning, switching pots and pans and then cooking for meal after meal. Removing hametz, leavened foods from our diets, our homes and our souls in both a physical and spiritual way helps us prepare for the holiday. The rituals of Bedikat (search for) and Biyur (destroying of) Hametz create a very powerful physical and spiritual separation between Passover and the rest of the year. At the end of our search for hametz, we declare that any hametz we may have overlooked is now inedible like the dust of the earth. We recognize that logically, no matter how deeply we clean, there will always be hametz in our lives.
Any hametz that is not destroyed during the week of Passover should be symbolically sold - mekhirat hametz.
Click here to sell your hametz online. Or print a hard copy to return to TBS.
Deadline is Monday, April 22 at 10am.
Congregants attending the Siyum Bekhorim will also have the opportunity to sell their hametz.
It is traditional to perform the mitzvah of ma’ot hitin, giving tzedakah for those in need on Passover, when completing this form. Please join us in supporting Mazon, a Jewish Response to Hunger mazon.org this Passover.
Sponsor a Kiddush
Thank you to the following Beverly Galkin Pesah Kiddushim Donors*
Reid Trager Fund
- Jeff & Susan Aaronson
- Jeff & Ruth Abrams
- Scott Becker
- Nuri & Stefanie Boardman
- Drew & Ilene Burach
- Marty & Stacey Chazin
- Jeff & Sherrie Cohen
- Bernie & Jill Coval
- Lawrence & Anita Dwork
- Avi & Debra Galler
- Mark & Jana Gelernt
- Sol & Susan Genauer
- Barry & Susan Gertsman
- Allan & Elissa Ginsburg
- Stuart & Jackie Goldstein
- Charles & Zelda Greenberg
- Geoff & Jill Hammel
- Larry & Robin Kaufman
- Bob & Debbie Kotzen
- Mark & Heather Kramer
- Aaron & Stephanie Krause
- Jay & Carolyn Levin
- Mark & Rachel Lichtenberg
- Seth & Naomi Mirowitz
- Stephen Mohler & Melissa Brown
- Steven Oppen
- Adam & Ally Pollack
- Mark & Alison Shapiro
- Elkan Siegal & Joan Divor
- Alvin & Jodi Stern
- Steven & Andrea Stomel
- Howard & Debra Sukinik
- Adam & Missy Wayne
- Len & Marsha Yorinks
- Harry & Debbie Zimmerman
*(as of April 16, 2024)
If you would like to sponsor or contribute to a kiddush this Passover, click here and select the Pesah Kiddush Fund in the drop-down list. Or, send a check to: Temple Beth Sholom, 1901 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 and indicate Beverly Galkin Pesah Fund in the memo. Contact Susan Aaronson at SusanA@tbsonline.org with any questions.
Donors will be recognized in our holiday brochure and shared from the bimah.
Passover Resources
Jewish Family & Children's Service (JFCS) offers delicious and healthy kosher-for-Passover meals, catered by The Nutrition Group. Sealed in microwaveable containers and priced at $9 each, meals can be arranged for pickup or delivery. To learn more or to place an order, please call JFCS (856) 424-1333 ext. 1162 or email meals@jfedsnj.org. Passover Order deadline is Friday, March 29.
ShopRite has a wonderful selection of everything you’ll need for your Passover shopping. What better way to support TBS than to buy ShopRite scrip (gift cards)! If 100 families purchased $100 of gift cards each week for 50 weeks of the year we would sell $500,000 and make $25,000 for TBS. We earn 5% on the sale of ShopRite scrip. Please contact the TBS Front Office to make a purchase.
Haggadat Sholom - Seder Supplement
For Your Seder
Activities, songs, stories and discussion questions for each part of the Passover seder
Cantor Cohen's recordings of the prayers and songs of the Haggadah
Click on the following links for Passover resources:
- The Rabbinical Assembly Pesah Guide for 5784
- Exploring Judaism - the new digital space for teachings, traditions, and approaches to Conservative/Masorti Judaism that includes Passover resources to help you navigate the holiday
- Seder Playlist for help on how to engage your family on Passover
- Seder hand puppets
- Finger puppets
- Nut free haroset recipes
From TBS to Table: Passover Recipes
Do you have a Passover recipe you'd like to share? Email recipe to Lori Clark, TBS Communications Manager, loric@tbsonline.org
Morah Harriet's Seder Plate Salad
Morah Harriet's Eggplant Salad
Morah Harriet's Tomato Gefilte Fish
Morah Harriet's Garlic Broccoli for Passover
Morah Harriet's Farfel Chocolate Chip Cookies for Passover
Morah Harriet's Passover Brownies
Cranberry Pineapple Kugel for Passover - submitted by Howie Sukinik
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
The TBS website was made possible by a generous donation from the TBS Endowment Fund.
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